Day of the dead and the experience of bereavement: experience sampling
day of the dead, México, death rites, grief, continuous bondsAbstract
Bereavement involves individual, familial, social, cultural and spiritual dimensions, demanding that psychologists open to dialogue with other areas of knowledge, aiming to broaden the understanding of the experience of those who suffer the loss of someone significant. This work aims to report the participation of three psychologists in the Day of the Dead party, in Ocotepec, Mexico. The method used was ethnography, with observations recorded in individuals field diaries. The presence of several symbols that recover the memory of the deceased person, preserving their memory, made it possible to consider the model of continuous bonds in coping with a significant loss. Death is celebrated and versed collectively in Mexico, while it is a taboo subject in Brazil. The experience of these rites made it possible to understand the social and cultural crossings of death and grief, a healthy experience to build an expanded clinic.
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