Academic adaptation and intellectual styles in higher education




undergraduates, academic adaptation, intellectual styles.


Academic and intellectual development during the university course can be greatly favored if they have the necessary adaptation to the new context. The present research aimed to verify the academic adaptation and the intellectual styles of university students, identifying possible differences in relation to the chosen courses, as well as to analyze the correlations between the dimensions of academic adaptation and the prevalent intellectual styles. Participants included 628 students from different courses and universities, who responded collectively to two scales. The first evaluated the academic adaptation to higher education, with five dimensions: career planning, social adaptation, personal/emotional adaptation, adaptation to study, and institutional adaptation. The second evaluated intellectual styles, with thirteen possible styles. The results showed that the highest score was in career planning and hierarchical style. Significant differences by course, as well as correlations between variables were observed. The data are discussed from the point of view of psychoeducational evaluation.


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Author Biographies

Katya Luciane de Oliveira, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

PhD in Psychology, Human Development and Education by the Faculty of Education at Unicamp. Professor at the Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Acácia Aparecida Angeli dos Santos, Universidade São Francisco

PhD in School Psychology and Human Development from USP. Professor at Universidade São Francisco-SP.

Amanda Lays Monteiro Inácio, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Master's in Education at the Universidade Estadual de Londrina


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How to Cite

Oliveira, K. L. de, Santos, A. A. A. dos, & Inácio, A. L. M. (2018). Academic adaptation and intellectual styles in higher education. Estudos Interdisciplinares Em Psicologia, 9(3supl), 73–89.



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