Categorization, cognition and the g0y lifestyle
categorization, ontology, sex roles, male sexualityAbstract
The categorization is basic for our thinking, our perception, action, and positioning in the world. When we perceive something as a kind of thing, or as part of something, we are categorizing and resorting to the use of cognitive processes. In this perspective, from which axioms arise the new homoerotic categories in the contemporaneity? What is gay, what is g0y (g-zero-y) and what is not? As well as, what is the frontier of these concepts with the heteroflexible male behavior? These are intriguing questions at perspective of the cognition processes, of categorization based on the ontological verification this paper emphasizes the role of validation exercised by the ‘confirmation’ and ‘disconfirmation’ of the beliefs, about categories more fluids of male sexual behaviors that may be externalized, registering that it is not in the proposition g-zero-y errors are in the conceptual sense of redundancy, internal inconsistency, partition or circularity.
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