From father to son: the fundamental paradox of masculinity
male identity, oedipus complex, incorporation of masculinityAbstract
Silvia Bleichmar's thesis of masculinity as a constitution tied to the paradox in which the boy needs to incorporate, in an affective relationship, the paternal penis to legitimize his sexed position is the foundation to this article which contemplates the peculiarities of the father-son relationship as the source of both affirmation and contradiction, since its identificatory phantasmatic is signified by the Ego as homosexual. The vicissitudes of this relationship are approached from the pre-Oedipal stage to adolescence revealing that the paradoxes left by this bond, although representing the fragility of the masculine identity as essentially defensive, compose a more fertile position for the male individual. The enigma of a sexed position craving for virile confirmation leads to the conjecture that one, seeking solution to his identity symbolic deficiency, can put into act the phantasmatic of incorporation and thus be more susceptible to violent sexual submissions to other men.
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