Emotional intelligence: a review of international literature
emotional intelligence, intelligence, literature reviewAbstract
The concept of emotional intelligence (EI), understood as the ability to process one's own and others' feelings and emotions and use them adaptively, has just completed twenty-six years old. Different conceptions about the construct have been proposed since then. The examination of the research scenario on the topic, in the international scope, promotes understanding of the current state of development of the area. Thus, this article is concerned with an analysis of articles published in PsycArticles database of the American Psychological Association (APA), from keyword emotional intelligence, was carried out having 44 out of 79 articles meeting the established inclusion criteria. All articles found referred to empirical studies. The majority of studies sought to relate the EI to other constructs or to examine psychometric properties of instruments to its measurement. Recent studies on intervention programmes for promoting EI and evaluation of its effectiveness are suggested.Downloads
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