Social representations, mute zone and social practices female about aging and rejuvenation
old age, rejuvenate, social representations, beautyAbstract
This study aimed to investigate the social representations, the mute zone and women's practices on aging and rejuvenation. Participants were 40 women aged between 30 and 60 years. Half of them used non-invasive rejuvenating procedures, and the other half use invasive or minimally invasive rejuvenating procedures. Were presented to the participants stories about rejuvenating practices used by two women, one Woman adopts non-invasive rejuvenating procedures, and the Woman adopts 2 invasive procedures. The results showed that the participants represented the Woman 1 as someone who must work very hard, possibly as a teacher, while Women 2 has good financial conditions possibly working in the cosmetic area. Woman 1 is considered, especially by the group of women who adopt non-invasive rejuvenation practices as a happy and selfless, while Woman 2 is seen as unfortunate and selfish by the same group.Downloads
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