The other’s place in the contemporary relations: a levinasian ethic reading
Ethics, Love, Contemporary RelationshipsAbstract
Contemporary society is characterized by a temporal fluid relationship where speed and concurrency operate increasingly through sophisticated ways. The other, in this logic, is considered an instrument of satisfaction of personal desires, putting into the question the ethical dimension of their place in those phenomena. This article aims to confront, through hermeneutic method of Gadamer, the propositions about the love relationships with Bauman, Giddens and Jean Paul Sartre; at the same time, this article will make an ethical reading of the phenomenon through radicalized otherness proposed by the philosopher Lévinas. Therefore, we sought the place of the other in loving relationships and we discussed the possibilities of a listening of this other, not by narcissistic demands of a hedonistic model of society, but by surpassing ethical requirement – to be by and for the other. In this ethical perspective, we did not find the place of another in contemporary love relationships.
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