The human body and male infertility: dialogues from existencial phenomenology
Body, Existential Phenomenology, Infertility, Assisted ReproductionAbstract
This article is an excerpt of the dissertation on the experience of infertile men. The focus of this reflection is to point out the existential implications of technical procedures exerted on the body of men diagnosed as infertile. As a tool to access the experience was a narrative interview with a starter question, which was recorded, transcribed and analyzed according to Philosophical Hermeneutics of Gadamer. The results pointed to difficulties experienced during submission to assisted reproduction procedures, which led to discomfort experiences and hopelessness against the bureaucracy and lengthy services. In such a scenario, the speakers narrated their experience across the technical procedures, experiences that can be understood in two dimensions highlight: the recognition of the validity of the adopted protocol for Assisted Reproduction and the hegemony of scientific discourse and its impact on the understanding of the male body as a raw material to be exploited.
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