Brazilian`s citizen subjectivity: A composition between psychoanalysis, history and democracy
psychoanalysis, democracy, historyAbstract
The article aims to critically discuss aspects related to subjectivity in social space from the jargon "jeitinho brasileiro". We seek to understand the relationships between the constituent helplessness of the subject, sibling´s hole and democracy in Brazil, to elucidate the configuration of the Brazilian subjectivity citizen and its consequences in the social space. The search performs a narrative review of classic and contemporary authors of Psychoanalysis, Law and History. It has become clear that, in situations of profound abandoment, brasilian citizen will treat his fellows as objects to satisfy his needs, putting fundamental social conventions aside, and so harming any attempt at a democratic project. This results in a bad state of well-being for the Brazilian space, who see in their “jeitinho brasileiro” a means to ease their bad state of affairs.Downloads
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