The influence of loss aversion on the decision to work overload




occupational stress, decision making, aversion


The present study aimed to evaluate the moderating role of burnout in the relationship between loss aversion and making a decision to suffer work overload. A total of 128 professionals over 18 years old inserted in the job market participated in the study, responding to a burnout measure and evaluating a work overload scenario. A loss aversion effect on the decision to suffer work overload was noted, although burnout did not moderate this relationship. Sociodemographic variables also did not influence decision making. This study highlights the heuristic potential of loss aversion as an automatic mechanism that can influence the decision to overwork at work. Thus, it is important pay attention to exposing individuals to decision-making processes, because this can impact negatively both the individual (in the short term) and the organization itself (in the medium and long term).

Author Biographies

João Gabriel Modesto, Centro Universitário de Brasília; Universidade Estadual de Goiás

PhD in Social, Labor and Organizational Psychology (Psto) from the Universidade de Brasília, UnB. Professor DES IV (Adjunct) at the State University of Goiás (UEG) and Full Professor at the Centro Universitário de Brasília(UniCEUB)

Tatiana Rodrigues, Centro Universitário de Brasília

Graduated from the University Center of Brasília

Fabiana Queiroga, Centro Universitário de Brasília

PhD in Organizational and Work Psychology from the Universidade de Brasília. Post-doctorate at the Université Côte D’Azur (Nice / France)


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How to Cite

Modesto, J. G., Rodrigues, T., & Queiroga, F. (2020). The influence of loss aversion on the decision to work overload. Estudos Interdisciplinares Em Psicologia, 11(2), 166.



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