Photoadvisory: the photography in the press advisory body in the Maringá City Hall Administration
Press advisory, Photographic image, Photoadvisorism, Maringá Prefecture.Abstract
Guided by the methodological perspective of analytical deconstruction, this work analyses photographic images from Maringa´s Prefecture press advisory. It seeks to answer to the following question: What strategies of senses do the photographic images build in the press advisement? In this attempt, it aims to: 1) To conceptualize the aspect of communicational intentionality; 2) To infer about its use on press advisory services; 3) To analyze if formats and genres of photographic image in journalism remain in the press advisory body. As a discourse, the photographic image in the press advisory body aims to build positive senses for the advised. In this case, with technical and photographic language domain, photojournalists intent to build elements, objects and characters to build up concepts, values and positive representation of the advised. For analysis of the photojournalists’ intentionality, they were used photographs taken from the site of the press advisory body of Maringá (PR) Prefecture, referring to several articles.
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