The photographic treatment of Mahsa Amini’Death in the Spanish media: discourse and implications of an iranian social conflict
manipulación, discurso e implicaciones de un conflicto social iraní
Mahsa Amini, Iran, Photography, Photojournalism, Middle EastAbstract
The Middle East is living in a very weak socio-political equilibrium. Since the so-called Arab Springs (2011), moreover, geopolitical tensions have shifted, pushing the Lebanese-SyrianIranian Shiite axis towards a sort of internal reconfiguration. The death of the young Kurdish girl Mahsa Amini in Tehran in September 2022 has implied a new international momentum. Our work aims to analyze the informative treatment given to the event in Spain, through the analysis of the photojournalistic discourse following the method offered by Marzal (2007) on four levels of significance. We have selected ten images for international agencies that were published in various Spanish newspapers for this analysis. This has led us to conclude how the ideological trends of these media are particularly relevant in the provided information about Iran and, moreover, the importance that images acquire in this informative treatment.
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