The iconographic discourse of the Ilustração Portuguesa about the Revolta de Monsanto (1919)




Assault of Monsanto;, Portugal; , Portuguese Illustration;, iconography.


Following the proclamation of the Monarchy, in Porto, monarchists from Lisbon also carried out an attempt to reinstate the Monarchy in the capital city and in the rest of the country, on January 22, 1919. It became known as the “Revolta de Monsanto”. The assault on the monarchist positions by Republican forces dictated the failure of the revolt and, indirectly, caused the failure of the proclamation of the Monarchy in the north. The research presented here aimed to reveal, through a quantitative and qualitative approach, the structure of the iconographic discourse that the Portuguese Illustration built about this historical episode. It was assumed as hypothesis that the discourse of the Portuguese Illustration aligned with the republican power, since the publication coated the republican triumph with a dose of epicness and valued the "brave" and "martyrs" of the Republic.


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Author Biographies

Celiana Azevedo, Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal

PHD in Communication Sciences - Study of Media and Journalism at the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (UNL).  Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Setubal (ESE-IPS) and at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCSH-UNL). 

Jorge Pedro Sousa, Universidade Fernando Pessoa; e ICNOVA Instituto de Comunicação da NOVA

PhD in Journalism from the University of Santiago de Compostela. Full Professor (Department of Communication Sciences/Faculty of Human and Social Sciences), Universidade Fernando Pessoa, Porto

Fátima Lopes Cardoso, Escola Superior de Comunicação Social do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa; ICNOVA – Instituto de Comunicação da NOVA

Doctor in Communication Sciences from Universidade Nova de Lisboa


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How to Cite

Azevedo, C., Sousa, J. P., & Cardoso, F. L. (2022). The iconographic discourse of the Ilustração Portuguesa about the Revolta de Monsanto (1919) . Discursos Fotograficos, 19(33), 102–121.


