La fotografía en la construcción de una imagen pública: Xul Solar y sus retratos


  • Sabrina Soledad Gil Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas - CONICET



Xul Solar, Portrait, Photograph analyses, Print media


The article investigates portraits of Xul Solar published in the Argentinian press and organized by his wife in a newspaper clippings folder. The photographs, considering as constructions of social illusions through visual conventions (Burke), allow us to see a visual component of Xul Solar figure, just as it is presented in the media. The portrait is the result of an interaction between at least two forces: the image that the photographer wants to produce and the one that the portrayed wants to project, who, in this case, dominates the visual language in which he is portrayed, because he is a painter. We organize the material in series and analyses them by the confection of sheets that allow the decomposition of the image in minimum units (Becker, Mauad). We understand that its study allows us to observe aspects of the production of a figure of an extravagant creator, who is more connected with spiritual and metaphysical dimensions than with the surrounding reality


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Author Biography

Sabrina Soledad Gil, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas - CONICET

PhD. in Letters. Professor and lic in History. Postdoctoral fellow of CONICET


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How to Cite

Gil, S. S. (2021). La fotografía en la construcción de una imagen pública: Xul Solar y sus retratos . Discursos Fotograficos, 18(31), 33–53.


