The mythification in the images: Analyzes about Russia 2018's most eye-catching moments




Soccer, Myths, Photos


Venerated by sports fans and fans, soccer players in many cases attain the status of myths - as if they were in fact divine entities. In particular, World Cup athletes star in sports news, stamp albums and have their private lives exposed, moving the numerous markets surrounding the mega sports event. From this perspective, the present work aims to analyze, from na imaginary point of view, the mythification of athletes in digital environments, using the photo gallery entitled “Russia 2018’s most eye-catching moments”, on the official FIFA website. By using the analysis technique proposed by Joly (1996), the plastic, iconic and linguistic messages present in five striking photos of the 2018 World Cup were listed. At the end of the study, the analysis showed that the selected photos highlight the mythification proposed by the selected gallery and, furthermore, it was possible to list words that iconically summarize the image, such as vibration, outburst, grandeur, hope and amazement.


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Author Biographies

Mauricio Barth, Feevale University

PhD in Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion from Universidade Feevale. Professor at Universidade Feevale (Novo Hamburgo/RS).

Gustavo Roese Sanfelice, Feevale University

PhD in Communication Sciences from the Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos. Professor in the Postgraduate Program in Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion at Universidade Feevale (Novo Hamburgo/RS).


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How to Cite

Barth, M., & Sanfelice, G. R. (2022). The mythification in the images: Analyzes about Russia 2018’s most eye-catching moments. Discursos Fotograficos, 19(33), 8–29.


