Beauty and doom. Another proposal for an approach to the work of Dionisio González through the Brazilian favelas




Beauty, Photography, Fatality, Favela


The work of Dionisio González (Gijón, 1965) is inserted in the debate of architecture, home, and housing, gentrification, and real estate speculation, poorism (poverty tourism), the possibilities of socio-cultural development of a territory, etc. In this article we approach the photographic series of Brazilian favelas Cartografías para a Remoçao, made between 2004 and 2007, from another point of view: the beauty. We analyze his work based on binomials, highlighting among them the beauty-danger and/or beauty-fatality dichotomy.


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Author Biography

Fernando Sáez Pradas, Universidad de Sevilla - US

Doctor for the Universidad de Sevilla. Postdoctoral at the Warburg Institute in London


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How to Cite

Sáez Pradas, F. (2021). Beauty and doom. Another proposal for an approach to the work of Dionisio González through the Brazilian favelas. Discursos Fotograficos, 17(30), 28–41.


