From an image to its process: the photographic production and fruition in Pedro Meyer’s Archive
Pedro Meyer, photographic collection, creation processes, circulation, dissemination and reception of images.Abstract
Pedro Meyer’s archive is a digital platform in which all the photographic work of the artist, as well as documents and videos about it, is available without filters from the producer. The present paper aims to present this database and to reflect on the implications that it brings to circulation, dissemination and reception of Meyer’s images. By making visible his methods of production, the photographer seems to reveal an authentic way to deal with his creation, understood not as a final product, but as something unfinished and incomplete. Moreover, Meyer gives the spectator a chance to ‘get behind the scenes’ to view images reinstated and re-signified by their manufacturing processes.Downloads
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How to Cite
Santos, A. C. L. (2015). From an image to its process: the photographic production and fruition in Pedro Meyer’s Archive. Discursos Fotograficos, 11(19), 147–168.
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