"Planaltina in the Hole of Aluminum": production and consumption of pinhole photographs


  • Juliana Soares Mendes Universidade de Brasília (UnB)
  • Fernando Oliveira Paulino Universidade de Brasília (UnB)




Pinhole, Production, Consumption, Photojournalism.


This article analyzes a photographic exhibition consisting of 15 images created by pinhole technique, which stimulates a critical thinking about photojournalism practice and consumption. The exhibition in the internet (www.fosfoto.com) and at the Artistic and Historic Museum of Planaltina (Brazilian Federal District) happened in May 2009. Participants were asked to interpret the photographs and rewrite temporary captions. The 1.860 proposed captions indicates the public’s interest to participate, discuss and interpret the pictures.


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Author Biographies

Juliana Soares Mendes, Universidade de Brasília (UnB)

Master in Social Science at Centro de Pesquisa e Pesquisa e Pós Graduação Sobre as Américas (CEPPAC) of Universidade de Brasília (UnB). Graduate in Publicity and Advertising at (UnB) and Journalism at Instituto de Educação Superior de Brasília (IESB). Researcher at Projeto Comunicação Comunitária e Cidadania-FAC/UnB.

Fernando Oliveira Paulino, Universidade de Brasília (UnB)

Doctoral in Communication at Universidade de Brasília (UnB). Professor of Postgraduate and graduate at UnB and researcher at Laboratório de Políticas de Comunicação (LaPCom-UnB) and Projeto Comunicação Comunitária e Cidadania (CNPq). Director of International Relations of the Associação Latino-Americana de Investigadores da Comunicação (ALAIC).



How to Cite

Mendes, J. S., & Paulino, F. O. (2015). "Planaltina in the Hole of Aluminum": production and consumption of pinhole photographs. Discursos Fotograficos, 11(18), 119–141. https://doi.org/10.5433/1984-7939.2015v11n18p119