Photography and insanity: a sight over the human condition on the experience of the mental disturbance
Mental disturbance, photography, imagetic speech, psychiatric institution.Abstract
This work came out of a project which consisted in the building of a photo essay in a psychiatric institution, in order to achieve an imagetic discourse over the experience of the mental disturbance. A presupposition was adopted, that of photography allowing the proximity of the observer to this reality, by means of a visual message. This procedure should be instrumental in making people become more concerned about the significance of such proximity, which is not confined to those who are inside of an institution.
How to Cite
Discursos fotográficos adota a licença CC-BY-NC, esta licença permite copiar e redistribuir o material em qualquer meio ou formato, remixar, transformar e desenvolver o material, desde que não seja para fins comerciais. E deve-se atribuir o devido crédito ao criador.
Este obra está licenciado com uma Licença Creative Commons Atribuição-NãoComercial 4.0 Internacional.