The implementation of the constitutional principles for the judiciary


  • Bruna Carolina Tâmega State University of Londrina
  • Marlene Kempfer State University of Londrina



Constitutional principles, prestacionais social rights, existential minimum.


This article versa initially about the concept of the principle word, umhistórico traces on the evolution of normativity of legal principles and makes adiferenciação between legal rules and principles. After the study focuses on constitutional nosprincípios inserted in Brazilian Magna Carta . For this approach - seo meaning of a constitution and sets out the various types of princípiosconstitucionais in order to prove that certain principles require umainterpretação prolific by the right to seremefetivados operators. Finally, it analyzes the possibility of the judiciary intervention nocontrole public policy where it appears that the Legislative eExecutivo are not realizing these principles.

Author Biographies

Bruna Carolina Tâmega, State University of Londrina

Student 5th year of law at the State University of Londrina.

Marlene Kempfer, State University of Londrina

PhD in Public Law - Tax Law from PUC- SP . Tax Law professor at the Graduate Law Course of the Londrina State University and Master's programs in Law at the State University of Londrina and the University of Marilia .



How to Cite

Tâmega, B. C., & Kempfer, M. (2006). The implementation of the constitutional principles for the judiciary. Revista Do Direito Público, 1(3), 3–22.


