
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • A contribuição é original e inédita, e não está sendo avaliada para publicação por outra revista; caso contrário, deve-se justificar em "Comentários ao editor".
  • O arquivo da submissão está em formato Microsoft Word
  • O texto segue os padrões de estilo e requisitos bibliográficos descritos em Diretrizes para Autores, na página Sobre a Revista.
  • Em caso de submissão a uma seção com avaliação pelos pares (ex.: artigos), as instruções disponíveis em Assegurando a avaliação pelos pares cega foram seguidas.
  • No artigo de pesquisa que envolvem seres humanos e experimentação com animais vertebrados deve enviada como documento suplementar cópia do parecer de aprovação, com o respectivo número do Certificado de Apresentação para Apreciação Ética (CAAE), emitido por Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa e de acordo com a legislação do país de origem do manuscrito. 
  • Foram retirados dados de autoria do documento em word?

Author Guidelines

Editorial guidelines for publication in the Electronic Scientific Journal

BBR - Biochemistry and Biotechnology Reports



a) Scientific articles: Maximum of 25 pages including figures, tables and references;

b) Literature review articles: Maximum of 40 pages including figures, tables and references;

c) Scientific communications: Maximum of 15 pages, with references restricted to 16 citations, and at most two tables or two figures, or one table and one figure



Scientific articles, Literature review articles and Scientific communications should be written in foreign languages English, Spanish or in Portuguese, in a single file with the following characteristics:

 Text editor Word for Windows, *.doc, 1.5 spacing on A4,  Arial font, 11 pt., normal, with left and right margins of 2 cm and top and bottom margins of 2 cm.

  1. Each paragraph should be marked with 0.5 cm using the TAB key
  2. Lines should be numbered in the left margin of the text
  3. Pages should be numbered in the upper right corner of the page.
  4. The manuscript should be justified, except for the item References that should be aligned to the left.
  5. Figures (drawings, graphs and photographs) and Tables should be inserted in the text, and numbered in Arabic numerals.
  6. Titles should be positioned above the Figures and Tables (ABNT, 2011)
  7. The Figures and Tables should be presented with similar width and height, obeying a maximum of 20 cm for both dimensions, noting that if there is a need for larger dimensions, in the editing process they will be reduced to those dimensions.
  8. Prepare, separately from the manuscript, a document (*.doc) containing the title, full names of all authors (in the correct order of authorship), affiliated institution, and e-mail of the author responsible for correspondence between author/editor, as in the following example:

Title in English

Title in the language of the manuscript

Full Name of the First Author1; Full Name of the Second Author 2; Full Name of the Third Author 3*

1State University of Londrina – Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology. PO Box 10011 – 96057-970 Londrina – Paraná State - E-mail:

2University xxxxxx – Department xxxxxxx. PO Box xxxx – xxxxxx-000 City – State

*Author for correspondence: e-mail

  1. Prepare, separately from the manuscript, a document (*. doc) containing full names, institution and email of FIVE POSSIBLE REVIEWERS.
  2. Obtain the certificate of review of English and of the language of the manuscript. May be accepted certificates or statements issued by a legal entity or person accredited, duly signed and containing all the data identifying the issuer.
  3. The documents described in paragraphs 9, 10 and 11 should be attached in "Supplementary Documents" while filling out the step 4 of the online submission (as described below in GUIDELINES FOR ONLINE SUBMISSION).


Note: UEL offers free service of Portuguese language review through the project “Disque Gramatica”. Further details in the item "Expedient" in the Summary of the cover of each issue.



1. Should report results of original research in related areas and may not have been published in another journal with the same content. The study could have been presented with its reduced content in the form of papers presented at scientific meetings or previous note.

2. Citations of authors in the text with one, two or three authors, cite the surnames of all separated by semicolons (;). Articles with four or more authors, cite the first author's surname followed by "et al." as examples below.

a) The results of Ribeiro (2011) confirm that ....

b) Mali et al. (2010) evaluated the production and potential use of starch films.....

c) ... increased the glucose fermentation by Z. mobilis CP4 (BUZATO; CELLIGOI; VARGAS, 2003).

d) ... and produced laccase by the ligninolytic fungus (REZENDE et al., 2005)

 3. The items should be highlighted in bold and unnumbered in the sequence below. Subitems, if necessary, should receive Arabic numerals.

Title in English;

Title in the language of the manuscript;

Short title in English;

Short title in the language of the manuscript;

Abstract and Keywords in English (maximum of six words, preferably different from the title and keywords);

Abstract and Keywords in the language of the manuscript (maximum of six words, preferably different from in the title and keywords);


Material and Methods;

Results and Discussion; 


References All literature cited or indicated in the text should be listed alphabetically at the end of the article as examples below. Articles in preparation or submitted for evaluation should not be included in the references. The formatting of references should follow the standard established by the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) in "General Rules of Presentation" - NBR 6023, 2002 updated on May 1st, 2011, as examples below. All participating authors must be listed, regardless of the number of participants. The accuracy and appropriateness of the references consulted and cited in the text, as well as opinions, concepts and affirmations are the sole responsibility of the authors.



BACCAN, N.; ALEIXO, L. M.; STEIN, E.; GODINHO, O. E. S.Introdução à Semimicroanálise Qualitativa, 6ª. edição. Campinas: EDUCAMP, 1995.

Capítulos de livro

SGARBIERI, V. C. Composição e valor nutritivo do feijão Phaseolus vulgaris L. In: BULISANI, E. A (Ed.). Feijão: Fatores de Produção e Qualidade. Campinas: Fundação Cargill, 1987. Cap. 5, p. 257-326.

Articles in journals (Titles of the journals should be written in full)

KINTER, P. K.; van BUREN, J. P. Carbohydrate interference and its correction in pectin analysis using the m-hydroxydiphenyl method. Journal Food Science, v. 47, n. 3, p. 756-764, 1982.

Articles presented at scientific meetings

JENSEN, G. K.; STAPELFELDT, H. Incorporation of whey proteins in cheese. Including the use of ultrafiltration. In: INTERNATIONAL DAIRY FEDERATION. Factors Affecting the Yield of Cheese. 1993, Brussels: International Dairy Federation Special Issue, n. 9301, chap. 9, p. 88-105.

Dissertations, theses and reports

CAMPOS, A C. Efeito do uso combinado de ácido láctico com diferentes proporções de fermento láctico mesófilo no rendimento, proteólise, qualidade microbiológica e propriedades mecânicas do queijo minas frescal.Campinas, 2000, 80p. Dissertação (Mestre em Tecnologia de Alimentos), Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP).

Electronic media

PEREIRA, I. F. Controle biológico da praga da cana de açúcar. Disponível em: <>. Acess in: June 16th, 2011


When appropriate, before the references, should be informed that the research was approved by the bioethics committee and was conducted in accordance with the standards of biosafety and ethics.

Notes: Notes relating to the body of the article must be indicated with a superscript symbol immediately after the sentence, as footnotes at the bottom of the page.

Figures: When necessary, figures may be accepted and should be inserted in the text considering its order number in Arabic numerals. If submitted illustrations have been published elsewhere, mention the source and permission for reproduction.

Tables: Tables should be accompanied by a title that enables to understand the meaning of the information, without reference to the text.

Quantities, units and symbols: Should comply with the corresponding national standards (ABNT).



A concise, but complete description of a punctual or ongoing (foreword) research with complete literature documentation and methodologies, as a regular scientific article. It should contain the following items: Title in English; Title in the language of the manuscript; Short Title in English; Short title in the language of the manuscript; Abstract with Keywords in English, Abstract with Keywords in the language of the manuscript; Body of the work without division into topics but following the sequence - introduction, methodology, results (may be included tables and figures), discussion, conclusion and references.



Should involve relevant topics within the scope of the journal. The number of review articles per issue is limited and collaborators may be invited to submit articles of interest to the journal. In case of spontaneous sending from the author(s), it is necessary to include own relevant results or of the group involved, with references, demonstrating experience and knowledge on the topic.

The review article should contain the following topics: Title in English; Title in the language of the manuscript; Short Title in English; Short title in the language of the manuscript; Abstract with Keywords in English, Abstract with Keywords in the language of the manuscript; Development of the proposed topic (with subdivisions in items or not); Conclusions or Final Remarks, and References.


Other Important Information

1 The publication of the works depends on favorable opinions from Ad hoc scientific advice and the approval of the Editorial Board of BBR - Biochemistry and Biotechnology Reports

2. No reprints will be supplied to the authors, since the issues will be available at the website of the journal (

3. Manuscripts not approved for publication will be deleted from the system with communication to the authors.

4. Transfer of copyright: The authors agree with the transfer of rights of publication of the article for the journal. Reproduction of articles is allowed only with the reference to the source, and is prohibited the commercial use of the information.

5. The issues and problems not covered by this norm will be settled by the Editorial Committee of the area for which the article was submitted for publication.

6. Information should be addressed to:


Journal BBR – Biochemistry and Biotechnology Reports

Center of Exact Sciences

Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Editorial Committee of the Journal BBR - Biochemistry and Biotechnology Reports

Campus Universitário – PO Box 6001 CEP (Zip code) 86057-970

Londrina, Paraná State, Brazil.

Information: Phone: 0xx43 33714270

Fax: 0xx43 33714054




As part of the submission process, authors are required to check their submission’s compliance with respect to all items listed below. Submissions that do not comply with the norms will be returned to authors.

  1. The contribution is original and unpublished and is not under evaluation for publication in another journal; otherwise it should be explained in the "Comments to the Editor."
  2. Authorship data should be filled with ALL authors in the submission process.
  3. Use the key "include author"
  4. In the next step fill the metadata in English.

To include them, after saving the submission data in Portuguese, click "edit metadata" at the top of the page - change the language to English and insert: title in English, abstract and keywords. Save and go to the next step.

  1. The identification of authorship of the manuscript was removed from the file and from the option Properties in Word, thus ensuring the confidentiality criterion of the journal, if subjected to peer review (e.g. articles), according to instructions available in Ensuring Blind Peer Review.
  2. Files for submission are in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF (since do not exceed 2MB)
  3. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Guidelines for Authors, in the section About the Journal.
  4. Inclusion of certificates of review of English and of the language of the manuscript in step 4 of the online submission "Supplementary Documents"
  5. URLs for the references have been provided when necessary.



Visit the link:


  1. For authors previously registered, inform LOGIN and PASSWORD to the menu at the top right of the home page or cover of BBR.

The login cannot be changed, but the password can be changed at any time by clicking on "CHANGE MY PASSWORD"

  1. For unregistered users click on "ACCESS" in the menu at the top right of the home page or cover of BBR, and then click "SIGN UP IN THE SYSTEM"
  2. ALL information requested by the registration page must be filled.
  3. Make sure that at the bottom of this registration page, are clicked on "Send confirmation email including login and password", and the "language" of your fluency;
  4. And in "registered as Author: may submit to the journal." If this latter is not clicked on, the submission page will not be available.
  5. Finally click on "SIGN UP”
  6. At this point the page for SUBMISSION ONLINE will be available. Click on "NEW SUBMISSION"
  • Click on the specific locations to select the SECTION OF THE JOURNAL
  • Select the language of the manuscript
  • Click on the specific locations to agree with all five (5) CONDITIONS FOR SUBMISSION:
  • Click on the specific location of the "COPYRIGHT STATEMENT"
  • Any information for the editor should be included in the "COMMENTS TO THE EDITOR"
  • Click on "SAVE AND CONTINUE"
  • SELECT THE DOC FILE of the manuscript containing the information specified in "Scientific Article", "Scientific Communication" or "Literature Review Article", described above, and click “TRANSFER”
  • Click on "SAVE AND CONTINUE"


  • Start filling the metadata including ALL data from the FIRST AUTHOR.
  • To insert the other authors, click on "ADD AUTHOR".

ALL data from ALL authors must be included one by one in the order they appear in the authorship of the manuscript.

  • Enter the title and the abstract
  • Enter the data for indexing the manuscript in the language of the manuscript and in English.
  • Enter funding agencies
  • Click on "SAVE AND CONTINUE"

 Step 4. Upload of additional documents

  • SELECT AND UPLOAD, one by one, the files prepared as described above in items 9, 10 and 11 in "PREPARING THE MANUSCRIPTS - GENERAL RULES".
Step 5. Confirmation of Submission
  •  Check and click on "FINISH SUBMISSION”

Electronic Scientific Journal BBR - Biochemistry and Biotechnology Reports

State University of Londrina

Londrina, Paraná State, Brazil



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