Days of war in Joinville

a German colonized city in the context of Brazil in the World War II (1942-1945)




World War II, Brazil, Daily


The World War II is an important reference in the history of the 20th century, being evoked by memory and represented in historical heritage and historiography. The objective of this work is to analyze the daily life of the city of Joinville during Brazil's participation in the Second World War, between 1942 and 1945. Official documents, newspapers, letters, oral sources, photographs and bibliographies were consulted. The methodology consisted of criticizing and crossing information obtained in the research. Although reminiscences of a time of war marked by the prohibition of the use of the German language, the resurgence of nationalization measures and the persecution of the local German-Brazilian community predominate in Joinville's social memory, the consequences of the Second World War in Joinville and neighboring municipalities were more diversified and involved several actions to mobilize civil society towards the state of war and its contingencies, as well as the introduction of a press communication regime aimed at the allied cause, with the local garrison of the Brazilian Army and the press as its main means of communication. placement. At the same time, local citizens were called up to serve in the patrols of the 13th Battalion of Riflemen on the shores of the north coast of Santa Catarina and in the Brazilian Expeditionary Force (FEB), during Brazil's participation in the Italian Campaign (1944-1945).


Author Biography

Wilson de Oliveira Neto, Universidade da Região de Joinville

Doutor em Comunicação e Cultura pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ (2020)

Professor adjunto na Universidade da Região de Joinville - UNIVILLE

Universidade da Região de Joinville - UNIVILLE

Joinville, SC - Brasil


º BATALÃO DE CAÇADORES. Boletim interno, Joinville, 28 abr. 1944a

º BATALHÃO DE CAÇADORES. Boletim interno, Joinville, 27 abr. 1944b

º BATALHÃO DE CAÇADORES. Boletim interno, Joinville, 5 maio 1944c

º BATALHÃO DE CAÇADORES. Boletim interno, Joinville, 27 jul. 1943a

º BATALHÃO DE CAÇADORES. Boletim interno, Joinville, 3 ago. 1943b.

º BATALHÃO DE CAÇADORES. Boletim interno, Joinville, 21 set. 1942a

º BATALHÃO DE CAÇADORES. Boletim interno, Joinville, 6 nov. 1942b.

º BATALHÃO DE CAÇADORES. Boletim interno, Joinville, 10 dez. 1942c

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How to Cite

DE OLIVEIRA NETO, Wilson. Days of war in Joinville: a German colonized city in the context of Brazil in the World War II (1942-1945). Antíteses, [S. l.], v. 17, n. 34, p. 111–141, 2024. DOI: 10.5433/1984-3356.2024v17n34p111-141. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 mar. 2025.