An innovative political project: Pedro Ernesto Baptista’s prefecture in Rio de Janeiro in the 1930s




Pedro Ernesto Baptista, Populism, Laborism, Labor Union, University of Federal District, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


This study began as a presentation of Pedro Ernesto Baptistas’s political views and developments on strengthening the ties with the working class in Brazil in the 1930’s. Pedro Ernesto was a Brazilian politician first appointed as a temporary governor and later democratically elected as the mayor of Rio the Janeiro, Brazil's former capital city. His main efforts were directed at appeasing the general discontent of the working class and certain social groups, whose interests were mostly disregarded and unattended in the political scene of that period. His popularity was so overwhelming that he found opposition in both the Left and Right parties, as well as in Vargas and his presidential staff, whose interest was to maintain his position and authority and implement a dictatorship. The resolutions and endeavors attempted by Pedro Ernesto to amass the support of the working class were finally subverted by the defiance and restraints imposed by his political enemies.

Author Biography

Thiago Cavaliere Mourelle, Arquivo Nacional - AN

Master in Political History from the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Arquivo Nacional historian.


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How to Cite

MOURELLE, Thiago Cavaliere. An innovative political project: Pedro Ernesto Baptista’s prefecture in Rio de Janeiro in the 1930s. Antíteses, [S. l.], v. 3, n. 5, p. 439–461, 2010. DOI: 10.5433/1984-3356.2010v3n5p439. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 jul. 2024.