New Masses and Latin America: intellectuals and politics in the fight against fascism (1933-1939)
Latin-American History, Political History, Intellectuals, Antifascism, Circulation of ideasAbstract
The aim of this article is to analyses the visions of the fascist threat to Latin America presents in the American magazine New Masses (1926-1948) between 1933 and 1939. Despite its proximity to the Communist Party USA (PCUSA) the magazine served as a platform for the most different political discussions regarding the continent’s situation; such diversity of views was related to the ideals of the Popular Front, which foresaw the union of different leftist forces against fascism. In the texts examined, the ideas and practices of Good Neighbor Policy, PanAmericanism, Antifascism, Communism and Anti-imperialism appear conflicted about the possibilities of combating threats from both Europe and local governments and groups inspired by fascism. During this period, New Masses also circulated through the Southern Cone, intensifying the transnational dialogue leveraged by antifascism.Downloads
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IS LATIN America going fascist?. New Masses, New York, p. 22, 23 Nov. 1937.
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LUCA, Tania. História dos, nos e por meio dos periódicos. In: PINSKY, Carla Bassanezi (org.). Fontes históricas. São Paulo: Contexto, 2005. p. 111-153.
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MARTÍNEZ, R. A. Brazil, the nazi’s trojan horse – is Latin America going fascist – I? New Masses, New York, 30 Nov. 1937.
MORGENFELD, Leandro Ariel. Argentina frente a Estados Unidos en las conferencias panamericanas de los años 30. Ciclos, [S. l.], año 17, v. 16, n. 31-32, 2007.
NORTH, Joseph. New masses: an anthology of the Rebel Thirties. New York: International Publishers, 1969.
O FAMOSO joint-commitee para a defesa do povo brasileiro. O Jornal, Rio de Janeiro, p. 1-8, 14 ago. 1937.
OLIVEIRA, Ângela Meirelles. Intelectuais antifascistas no cone sul: experiências associativas no cruzamento entre a cultura e a política (1933-1939). Projeto História, São Paulo, n. 47, ago. 2013.
OLIVEIRA, Ângela Meirelles. O papel da imprensa na circulação de ideias e de intelectuais antifascistas entre a Argentina, Uruguai e a França (1933-1939). Faces da História, Assis, v. 2, n. 1, p. 159-171, jan./jun., 2015a.
OLIVEIRA, Ângela Meirelles. Palavras como balas: imprensa e intelectuais antifascistas no Cone Sul (1933-1939). São Paulo: Alameda, 2015b.
PHILIPPOV, Karin. Rockwell kent e o Brasil. 2008. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Instituto de Filosofia e Ciência Humanas da UNICAMP, Campinas, 2008.
PRADO, Maria Ligia C. ‘Identidades latinoamericanas (1870-1930). In: MORA, Enrique Ayala (org.). Historia general de América Latina: volumen VII: los proyectos nacionales latinoamericanos: sus instrumentos y articulación, 1870- 1930. Paris: Ediciones UNESCO: Editorial Trotta, 2009. p. 583-615.
REIS, Mateus Fávaro. Americanismo(s) no Uruguai: os olhares entrecruzados dos intelectuais sobre América Latina e os Estados Unidos (1917-1969). São Paulo: Alameda, 2014.
SALVATORE, Ricardo. Culturas imperiales: experiência y representación en América, Asia y África. Rosario: Beatriz Viterbo, 2005.
SALVATORE, Ricardo. Imagenes de un império. Estados Unidos y la representación de América Latina. Buenos Aires: Sudamericana, 2006.
SANCHEZ ROMAN, José Antonio. The challenge from the periphery: Latin America’s new deals and the shaping of liberal internationalism in FDR’s Era. Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional, Brasília, v. 61, n. 2, p. e008, 2018.
SARLO, Beatriz. Intelectuales y revistas: razones de una práctica. América, Cahiers du CRICCAL, Paris, n. 9-10, p. 9-16, 1992.
SEIDMAN, Michael. Transatlantic antifascisms: from the spanish civil war to the end of world war II. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2018.
SETARO, R. Argentina: democracy in extremis: is Latin America going fascist - II? New Masses, New York, p. 6-7, 7 dez. 1937.
SETARO, R. Return of a Hero. New Masses, New York, p. 16. 7 Jan 1941.
SILVA, Matheus Cardoso. As cartas de Londres: George Orwell nas redes intelectuais entre Londres e Nova York (1941-1946). 2016. Tese (Doutorado em História), FFLCH/USP, São Paulo, 2015.
SMITH, Richard Candida. Improvised continent. Pan-Americanism and Cultural Exchange. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2017.
TERONI, Sandra; KLEIN, Wolfgang. Pour la défense de la culture: les textes du Congrès International des Ecrivains (Paris, juin, 1935). Dijon: Editions Universitaires de Dijon, 2005.
TOTTA, Antônio Pedro. O imperialismo sedutor: a americanização do Brasil na época da Segunda Guerra. São Paulo: Cia das Letras, 2000.
WALD, Alan M. Exiles from a future time. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press: Edição do Kindle, 2002.
WEDGER, Charles. “Fascism shall not pass” – is Latin America going fascist - IV? New Masses, New York, p. 5-6, 21 Dec. 1937.
WISE, James W. “Factual fascism in Brasil” – is Latin America going fascist – I? New Masses, New York, p. 3-6, 8 Dec. 1936.
WOOD, Bryce. The making of the Good Neighbor Policy. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961.
How to Cite
OLIVEIRA, Angela Meirelles de. New Masses and Latin America: intellectuals and politics in the fight against fascism (1933-1939). Antíteses, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 23, p. 337–364, 2019. DOI: 10.5433/1984-3356.2019v12n23p337. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 dec. 2024.
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