Note to theoretical and historical studies on the phenomenon of heresy




Heresy, Heterodoxy, Ortodoxy, Truth. Rahner


This note aims to bring together some elements that can contribute to a study not only theoretical but also historical about the so-called phenomenon of the heresy. It is structured in two parts: (i) a collection of some historical and semantic aspects that found (ii) an investigation of what would be, in phenomenological terms, the essence of heresy. It is foundend on the article What is heresy?, writted by Karl Rahner, author of great relevance to heresiology in the twentieth century, though little evoqued in academic circles.

Author Biography

Juvenal Savian Filho, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Doctor in Philosophy from the Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Professor at the Universidade Federal de São Paulo.


BAUER, Walter. Orthodoxy and heresy in earliest christianity. Tradução de Paul J. Achtemeier. Filadélfia: Fortress, 1971.

KERN, W. “Heresia”. In: LACOSTE, Jean-Yves (Org.). Dicionário crítico de teologia. São Paulo: Paulinas & Loyola, 2004. p. 815-816.

KÖSTENBERGER, Andreas; KRUGER, Michael J.; MARSHALL, Ian Howard. The heresy of orthodoxy: how contemporary culture’s fascination with diversity has reshaped our understanding of early christianity. Illinois: Crossway, 2010.

LOSSKY, N. Ortodoxia. In: LACOSTE, Jean-Yves. (Org.). Dicionário crítico de teologia. Vários tradutores. São Paulo: Paulinas & Loyola, 2004, p. 1299-1300.

RAHNER, Karl. Was ist Häresie? In: RAHNER, Karl. Schriften zur theologie. Einsiedeln: Benziger, 1962. v. 5, p. 527-576.



How to Cite

SAVIAN FILHO, Juvenal. Note to theoretical and historical studies on the phenomenon of heresy. Antíteses, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 21, p. 461–470, 2018. DOI: 10.5433/1984-3356.2018v11n21p461. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 jul. 2024.