Auto-critiques and expurgations in the paulistas'revolutionary environments (1928-1935)




History. Politics. Proletarian Revolution. Communist in São Paulo. Trotskism.


The dissensions occurred in the paulistas's revolutionary circles, in the thirties, punctuated the history of the Communist Party of Brasil and of the other left-wing streams, causing censorships and autocritiques directed to many of its members. The revolutionary determination of the comrades, developed in the culture of the subversion ghettos, propitiated the formation of the survival strategies, of which, the most perverse, was the methodical doubt that surrounded the loyalty of the journey companions. In the party's meetings, presumed or real betrayals played a big role in the discussions. Theoretical impurities, being involved with the trotskyist, little bourgeois adhesions, collaborationism, disloyalty to the party, poisoned the communists' relations. Information derived from diverse sources — letters, minutes of meetings, circulars, officers' handbooks — allow us to analyze this process, submitted to a almost complete silence of the Brazilian historiography.


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Author Biographies

Alzira Lobo de Arruda Campos, Universidade de Santo Amaro

PhD in Social History from the Universidade de São Paulo. Professor at the Universidade Santo Amaro.

Alvaro Cardoso Gomes, Universidade de Santo Amaro

Doctor of Arts from the Universidade de São Paulo. Full Professor at the Universidade de São Paulo and the Universidade Santo Amaro.

Marilia Gomes Ghizzi Godoy, Universidade de Santo Amaro

PhD in Social Psychology from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Professor at the Universidade de Santo Amaro.


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How to Cite

CAMPOS, Alzira Lobo de Arruda; GOMES, Alvaro Cardoso; GODOY, Marilia Gomes Ghizzi. Auto-critiques and expurgations in the paulistas’revolutionary environments (1928-1935). Antíteses, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 17, p. 115–135, 2016. DOI: 10.5433/1984-3356.2016v9n17p115. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 nov. 2024.