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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • A contribuição é original e inédita. Além disso, o artigo não pode estar sendo avaliado para publicação por outra revista; caso contrário, deve-se justificar em "Comentários ao Editor".

    Caso aprovada, a mesma estará protegida autoramente pela Scientific CommonsCreative Commons e CrossRef.

  • Os arquivos para submissão estão em formato Microsoft Word, OpenOffice ou RTF (desde que não ultrapassem 2MB)
  • URLs para as referências foram informadas quando necessário.
  • O texto segue os padrões de estilo e requisitos bibliográficos descritos em Diretrizes para Autores, na seção Sobre a Revista.
  • A identificação de autoria do trabalho foi removida do arquivo e da opção Propriedades no Word, garantindo desta forma o critério de sigilo da revista, caso submetido para avaliação por pares (ex.: artigos), conforme instruções disponíveis em Assegurando a Avaliação Cega por Pares.
  • O artigo está de acordo com os preceitos éticos da pesquisa e das boas práticas acadêmicas.

Author Guidelines

Antíteses accepts contributions in Portuguese, English and Spanish for specific dossiers, continuous flow articles, interviews, translations and reviews of books published in Brazil in the last 2 (two) and abroad in the last 3 (three) years.

Submission condition. Read the link: About: editorial policies: focus and scope.

By submitting a text to Antíteses Journal, the author declares that it is an unpublished contribution, free of plagiarism and in accordance with the code of ethics of the publication. Contributions must be submitted in a Word file observing the following characteristics: Articles will be between 8 (eight) and 10 (ten) words, bibliographical analyses between 5 (five) and 8 (eight) words, interviews, notes on sources, collections and research, and debates between 3 (three) and 5 (five) words and reviews and classics between 2 (two) and 4 (four) words.

The original text must include a title, an abstract with between 100 (one hundred) and 200 (two hundred) words, 5 (five) key words, a major area (up to 2 (two)) and an area (up to 3 (three)) in which the work has been submitted, all in Portuguese and English. Author and institutional affiliation should be included only in the revised manuscript, after approval in the peer review system.

Submission of work implies originality and copyright transfer and publication rights to the journal, which should be made explicit through a Term of Commitment, taking responsibility for the copyright of the images used. At the same time a Declaration of Conflict of Interest will be signed.

Antíteses accepts contributions in Portuguese, English and Spanish for specific dossiers, continuous flow articles, interviews, translations and reviews of books published in Brazil in the last 2 (two) and abroad in the last 3 (three) years.

Submission condition. Read the link: About: editorial policies: focus and scope.

The text should be typed on A4 page, 1.5 spacing, left-right margins of 3 cm and top-bottom margins of 2.5 cm, 1 cm indentation, font Times New Roman, size 12, and footnotes in the same font, size 10.

The titles in Portuguese and English must be in lowercase, bold, accented and centered; the author's name in italics and aligned to the right; and the subtitles in bold, lowercase and aligned to the left.

Authors must send contributions free of any information that allows the identification of authorship. However, they must correctly fill out the metadata of the submission, including their Orcid number. The title and institutional affiliation, in case the article is approved, should be placed later in a footnote with an asterisk in the body of the article. If the research has been prepared with financial support from an institution, it should be mentioned, also in a second moment, in a footnote with an asterisk in the title.

The short literal quotations, less than 3 (three) lines will be integrated in the paragraph, placed between inverted commas. The quotations of more than three lines will be highlighted in the text in a special paragraph, 4 (four) cm from the left margin, without indentation, without inverted commas and in size 10 (ten). After this type of quotation a blank line will be left, in body 10 (ten).

Footnotes shall be numbered in Arabic characters and shall not consist of simple bibliographical references. These must appear in the body of the text in brackets with the author's name in capital letters, comma, followed by the year of publication, commas and number of page or pages separated by hyphen or comma, as appropriate. The numbers of the footnotes inserted in the body of the text will always be superscripted in size 10 (ten), after the punctuation mark.

The bibliography must come with this subtitle at the end of the text in alphabetical order of last name, observing the ABNT rules.

LAST NAME, Name. Book title in italics: subtitle. Translation. edition. City: Publisher, year.

LAST NAME, Name. Title of the chapter or part of the book. In: LAST NAME, Name (Org.). Book title in italics. Translation, edition, City: Publisher, year, initial-final p.

AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Name. Title of the article. Journal title in italics, City, v. x, n. x, p. initial-final.

AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Name. Thesis title in italics: subtitle. year. Type of work: Dissertation or Thesis (Master's or Doctorate, indicating the area of work) - academic affiliation, place and year of presentation or defense.

For other productions:

AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Name. Title or title: subtitle. Indication of responsibility. Date. Information about the description of the medium or support (for support in digital media).

For online documents or in both versions, it is essential the information about the electronic address, presented between signs < >, preceded by the expression "available in", and the date of access to the document, preceded by the expression "accessed in".

Illustrations, figures or tables should be sent in digital format with the maximum possible definition.

Translations must be accompanied by the author's authorization and the original text.

News of books and events are restricted to board members, consultants and collaborators, and must be sent according to ABNT norms and with an abstract of up to 10 lines.


Os dossiês serão organizados obrigatoriamente por dois doutores, sendo que ao menos um deles deve ser vinculado a uma instituição de pesquisa e/ou ensino estrangeira. Cabe aos organizadores, junto ao Comitê Editorial, coordenar a avaliação e o processo de edição dos artigos que compõem o dossiê. Os dossiês serão compostos por um número entre 5 e 8 artigos, todos de autoria exclusivamente de doutores.


A revista recebe durante todo o ano artigos de temáticas diversas relacionadas ao escopo. Todos os artigos deverão ser escritos exclusivamente por doutores.

First Steps

A revista seleciona até 4 artigos por número de alunos de mestres ou doutorando em História.


A revista publica entrevistas realizadas com personalidades e/ou acadêmicos com produção relevante. As entrevistas serão avaliadas pelo Comitê Editorial.


Poderão ser feitas sobre livros nacionais, com até 2 anos de edição, e livros estrangeiros, com até 3 anos de edição.


Em caso de interesse acadêmico, a revista publicará traduções.

Sociedades cientificas

O Comitê Editorial convida sociedades científicas ou grupos de pesquisa, nacionais e estrangeiros, para que organizem uma seção de artigos que se relacionem às atividades do grupo. Em cada número serão publicados de 4 a 6 artigos de doutores nesta seção.


Textos de autores convidados, temáticas relevantes para a disciplina histórica, sem caráter cient´ífico.

Privacy Statement

The names, addresses and other data informed for this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, not being made available for other purposes or to third parties.