About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Antíteses is a biannual online electronic journal in Open Access, in the system ahead of print and closed volume, of the Programa de Pós-Graduação em História Social da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. After a peer-review process, it publishes original multidisciplinary contributions from a historical perspective, in Portuguese, Spanish and English.
ISSN: 1984-3356
The journal counts on
a - Editor, with a mandate of 2 (two) years, chosen among the members of the PPGHS-UEL;
b - Deputy Editors, specific for a section or collection, chosen among UEL professors or other PhD professors (in this case, as assistants);
c - External advisory board, composed of researchers linked to various national and international universities and research centres;
d - Dossier Coordinators.
In addition to the members indicated above, each issue has ad hoc reviewers, all with doctoral degrees.

The journal will receive original articles (unpublished) for the following sections:
- Dossier articles with a due date: Dossiers will be mandatorily organized by two PhDs, at least one of which must be affiliated with a foreign research and/or teaching institution. The organizers, together with the Editorial Committee, are responsible for coordinating the evaluation and editing process of the articles that compose the dossier. The dossiers will consist of a number between 5 and 8 articles, all of them exclusively authored by Ph.

- Continuous flow articles: The journal receives throughout the year articles on various themes related to its scope. All articles must be written exclusively by Ph.

- Scientific societies: The Editorial Committee invites scientific societies or research groups, national and foreign, to organize a section of articles that relate to the group's activities. In each issue, 4 to 6 articles will be published in this section. As the texts of the other sections, those sent to this section undergo a double-blind evaluation.

- Interviews: The journal publishes, sporadically, interviews with personalities and/or academics with relevant production. The interviews will be evaluated by the Editorial Committee.

- First Steps: The journal selects up to 4 articles by number of masters or doctoral students in History.

- Reviews: They can be made on national books, with up to 2 years of edition, and foreign books, with up to 3 years of edition.

- Translations: In case of academic interest, the journal will publish translations. 

The journal may include collections or special issues, always observing the same editorial norms.
Contributions sent for publication will take up to 6 (six) months to issue an opinion to the authors and up to 6 (six) months to be published, in case of acceptance.
Once edited, the text will be sent to the author for final approval and publication.
The professors of the Department of History and of the Graduate Program in Social History of UEL will be able to present collaborations in up to 25% of the works per issue and the author will be prevented from participating again in this condition for two years.
Sources of permanent financing and occasional partnerships will be sought.
The journal will seek to follow all CAPES recommendations for academic publications.

Peer Review Process

The Journal follows the "double blind peer review" process. Articles will be sent to a minimum of 2 (two) ad hoc reviewers external to the editorial committee. When submitting a text, the authors must fill out a form indicating possible reviewers with whom they may have conflicts of interest.

For the selection of reviewers, the editors use institutional diversity between author and reviewer as one of the criteria. Upon accepting to evaluate the article, each evaluator fills out a declaration that he or she has no conflict of interest, which includes not knowing the authorship of the text. Before sending the article, section editors check that the acknowledgement of authorship has been removed from the article and the document's properties. The researchers chosen for the evaluation, as experts in the area of research, have autonomy to decide on the merit, indicating or not the publication through the completion of an evaluation form. This form contains the options approved, approved with modifications (which must be indicated and justified) and disapproved. In case of discordant evaluations, the article will be sent to a third evaluator with similar characteristics to the previous ones, who will issue the final decision. Each evaluator may make only one evaluation per issue.

The entire evaluation process is carried out through the system so that the different stages are registered.

Publication Frequency

Antíteses is a biannual publication. Each year, two issues are published in the same volume.

Open Access Policy

Revista Antíteses is a signatory of the "San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment" (DORA). https://sfdora.org/

This journal offers immediate free access to its contents, without cost to the author or reader, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater global democratization of knowledge.


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