Frühromantik influences on Alexander von Humboldt’s conception of nature: issues for today’s Physical Geography


  • Kalina Salaib Springer Universidade Estadual de Campinas
  • Antonio Carlos Vitte Universidade Estadual de Campinas



Frühromantik, Humboldt, Nature, Physical Geography, Ontology.


This article aims to demonstrate the influence of frühromantik on Alexander von Humboldt’s conception of nature in order to show that he has been a gatekeeper to this vision in scientific geography. Frühromantik breaks up the Cartesian-Newtonian Nature and Rationale while introduces a perspective on ontology and not on epistemology because it emerges from a conception of an organic Nature and Rationale driven by complexity among the rational and the sensible. In a comparison context Naturphiosophie and Schelling’s philosophy of nature stand out due to the vision of nature compared to a dynamic and perpetually interconnected cosmos in addition to the strong influence of poets and philosophers. This philosophical reflection emerges from Alexander von Humboldt as a methodological proposal for geography that takes geographical landscape resulting as product of the interconnection between the rational and the sensible. Reflections on frühromantik and Humboldt potentiate the current theoretical and methodological discussions in physical geography because they bring into the debate a philosophical issue in the current context of new Natures and not questions related to the method or epistemology.


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Author Biographies

Kalina Salaib Springer, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Geógrafa. Doutora em Geografia pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas.

Antonio Carlos Vitte, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Geógrafo. Pesquisador Nível 2 CNPq. Doutor em Geografia pela Universidade de São Paulo. Professor MS3 da Universidade Estadual de Campinas.


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How to Cite

Springer, K. S., & Vitte, A. C. (2014). Frühromantik influences on Alexander von Humboldt’s conception of nature: issues for today’s Physical Geography. Geographia Opportuno Tempore, 1(1), 1–19.




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