
Text editing seeks to improve the reading, clarity, grammar, vocabulary, and document formatting. It represents the last opportunity for the authors to make substantial changes in the text; in the subsequent stage, corrections are restricted to typos or formatting errors. The document to be edited is in the .doc format, enabling the quick editing by a text editor. The guidelines described here present one editing alternative, based on the track changes tools of Microsoft Word and requires that all individuals involved have access to the software.

Text  Editing Processes

Track Changes in Microsoft Word. In the Tools menu, the Track Changes option enables the text editor to insert (the text appears highlighted) or remove (the removed words appear as crossed out text or at the margins as removed text) content. The text editor may include comments to the authors and to the editor using the “Comments” option in the toolbar. The edited version can then be sent and the editor is notified via email. The editor revises the changes in the text and notifies the authors. The editor and the authors should keep the changes they agree about. If further changes are required, both can change the modifications made by the text editor, as well as make new ones. Both should address the comments, with answers in the field for specific comments. After the editor and the authors revise the text, the editor should perform one last revision, accepting the changes in order to proceed to the Layout and Composition stage before publication.