Comparison of biotic and abiotic parameters between a native secondary forest fragment and a Pinus taeda L. reforestation
Forest structure, Biotic and abiotic parameters, Pinus taeda reforestation, Nderstory regeneration.Abstract
The substitution of natural forests for commercial forest plantations can be as damaging as farming or urban occupation. However, studies on natural regeneration in these areas show results in the development of native species in the understory, suggesting a successional process in favor of restoring biodiversity as well as an alternative forrestoration. This work aimed at comparing biotic and abiotic parameters between native secondary forest fragments and Pinus taeda reforestation. The study sites are located at Klabin Ecological Park, Monte Alegre Farm, Telêmaco Borba, Paraná. The following biotic data were evaluated: total height, diameter at breast height (DBH - 1.30 m above the ground) and basal area (BA), in tree species with DBH ? 2.5 cm. The following abiotic data were also evaluated: pH, soil compaction, herb cover, canopy cover, litter thickness, air temperature, and relative humidity. Most parameters differed between pine reforestation and secondary forest, such as pH and soil compaction, canopy cover, herb presence and the size structure of vegetation (diameter and height). It was also observed a low regeneration in reforestation, evidenced by the difference in the basal area. However, there was regeneration in pine reforestation, suggesting that, over time, there will be an increase in the regeneration of the native vegetation, increasing the wealth of species and the structural complexity of the vegetation.
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