HIV/AIDS diagnosis: The perception of patients assisted in the municipality of Londrina-PR
Perception of HIV/AIDS diagnosis, HIV/AIDS diagnosis.Abstract
This study was meant to evaluate the assistance provided to HIV/AIDS patient in the process of elucidating the diagnosis, from the patient's own perspective. Sixty patients who had been referred to hospitals in the municipality were interviewed, corresponding to 56,6% of the total qualified under pre-established criteria, ft was concluded that most patients (73,8%) are not familiar with the method for carrying out a diagnosis. The time for obtaining the results ranged from 0 to 8 days (38,1%) up to 22 days (11,9%). 55,0% of the patients had a negative perception during the waiting time, whereas 20,0% of the patients were not aware of the realization of the exam. The exams were recommended by the physician in 55,0% of the cases and the results were given out by the same professional, as informed by 75,0% of the patients interviewed. Out of the patients who had their exams made in the City of Londrina, 40,5% were not satisfied with the way they were informed of the results.
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