Phytosanitary characterization of the marginal arboreal component of the railway line in the municipality of Três Barras, SC
Tree, Edge effect, Plant health, ConservationAbstract
Phytosanitary conditions of tree plants can be used to characterize plant communities, indicating structural quality conditions of the plant component. Thus, anthropically altered environments may pose a threat to plant health. The objective of this study was to investigate the phytosanitary and ecological condition of the tree component in a stretch of 400 meters along the railway line located in the municipality of Três Barras, SC. Thirty-three tree species were recorded, in addition to 54 taxonomically unidentified individuals. The ecological indices evaluated were abundance, density, richness and evenness. 190 individuals were evaluated in terms of crown quality, degree of liana infestation and tree health. Although canopy quality and health are mostly good, there was a relatively high number of vine infestations. Such an occurrence may be due to the edge condition in which the plants are located. The good ecological indices combined with the low number of exotic tree species also indicate good ecological conditions and local plant health. However, more studies are needed in the area. Urban afforestation, combined with the formation of ecological corridors that connect the fragments to the Três Barras National Forest, can be a conservation and regeneration measure to be explored.
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