Selection of a nursing theory for an occupational health nursing service in hospital care.
Nursing Theory, Occupational Health Nursing, Occupational Health Services, Occupational Health, Hospital CareAbstract
Objective: To identify whether there is a nursing theory whose elements making up its metaparadigm are consistent with the concepts attributed to them by members at an occupational health nursing service and the concepts identified in the literature of this area.
Methods: Methodological study with a descriptive analysis.
Results: The “people” who demand care at the service are civil servants; “health” refers to psychobiological, social, and spiritual well-being; “nursing” involves the prevention of complications, health promotion and recovery, and rehabilitation; and “environment” pertains to the physical space of workers. After mapping the concepts of the metaparadigm of the theory most known by civil servants, with those that emerged from their answers, and those identified in the literature in this field, a theory for this area of activity was selected and validated.
Conclusion: Concepts of the metaparadigm of the Basic Human Needs Theory are consistent with actions carried out by occupational health nurses.
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