Therapeutic itinerary and playing in the care process for children with diabetes: experiences of the family caregiver




Access to Health Services, Attitude towards Health, Family, Games and Toys


Introduction: type 1 Diabetes Mellitus is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases in childhood. The professional monitoring of children with type 1 Diabetes Mellitus needs to be integrative and consider the stages of child development, their experiences, and appropriate forms of communication and play strategies.
Objectives: to describe the experiences and use of recreational resources, as well as to identify the therapeutic itinerary followed by the caregiver of the child with type 1 Diabetes Mellitus.
Methodology: descriptive research with a qualitative approach carried out with eight family caregivers of children aged between three and 12 years with diabetes Mellitus type 1 in a municipality in the Northeast of Santa Catarina and who are followed up at the specialty outpatient clinic of a children's hospital. Data were collected between July and August of 2021, through interviews on virtual platforms and analyzed according to thematic analysis.
Results: four thematic categories were created from the most significant sense units: perception of signs and symptoms and discovery of the disease; the pilgrimage in the health services in search of answers; the non-use of recreational strategies for health education by health professionals; then everything goes back to being sweet again.
Conclusion: the therapeutic itinerary of the caregiver of the child with type 1 Diabetes Mellitus shows a pilgrimage in health services, lack of communication between health professionals and a fragile bond with primary care. The networks that were covered by caregivers and children based on the signs/symptoms of the pathology were: Children's Hospital; Basic health Unit; School Pharmacy; Insulin Distribution Center; Municipal Laboratory and Supplementary Network Services. It was noticeable throughout the research the lack of use of recreational resources with children with Diabetes Mellitus in the city and the lack of description about the health education process by the nurse professional, being still portrayed the biological model.


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Author Biographies

Leticia Pavanello Junkes, Faculdade Censupeg

Nurse. Graduate student in Obstetric and Gynecological Nursing at Faculdade Censupeg, Joinville, SC

Suelen Alves Farias, Faculdade Censupeg

Nurse. Graduate student in Cardiology and Hemodynamics Nursing at Faculdade Censupeg. Joinville, SC, Brazil

Rebecca Ortiz La Banca, Hospital Infantil de Los Angeles

Nurse. PhD in Sciences from the School of Nursing of Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo. Post Doctorate from Harvard Medical School. Research Nurse Scientist at Children's Hospital Los Angeles, CA

Lidiane Ferreira Schultz, Faculdade IELUSC

Nurse. PhD in Health and Environment from the University of Joinville-UNIVILLE. Professor at Faculdade IELUSC, Joinville, SC


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How to Cite

Junkes LP, Farias SA, Banca ROL, Schultz LF. Therapeutic itinerary and playing in the care process for children with diabetes: experiences of the family caregiver. Semin. Cienc. Biol. Saude [Internet]. 2022 Nov. 11 [cited 2024 Dec. 26];43(2):263-76. Available from:


