Comparative study between two groups with hypertension
Hypertension, Basic Health Units, Physical activity, Hypertensive – HabitsAbstract
Considering that Arterial Hypertension (AH) increases in prevalence as the population ages and that one of the non-pharmacological forms of treatment would be the practice of physical activity and stress reduction, the GIM 12 students during the identification of problems from the UBS of Conjunto Maria Cecília, noted that one of the relatively high complaints was HA in a group of women who met weekly for manual work. Based on this fact, this group (CG) with n=32 and a control group (G.CT) with n=70, with a mean age of 59 and 62 years respectively, were studied, in order to verify and compare the profile. of hypertensive patients and the variables that influence the disease process. 59% of the CG and 69% of the G.CT were identified as hypertensive and there were no statistically significant differences between the groups in relation to the other variables, however, the results obtained show that there is a great concern of people in obtaining information about AH and a need urgent need to organize educational programs for the population that attends the UBS of the municipality.Downloads
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