Casuistics of poisonings by cholinesterases inhibitors by the Information and Toxicological Assistance Center of Paraná (CIATox/PR) between 2015 and 2019
Carbamate , Organophosphate , Agrochemical, Pesticide, IntoxicationAbstract
This research aimed to analyze the cases of poisoning by organophosphates and carbamates, present in agrochemicals and pesticides, registered in the database of the Information and Toxicological Assistance Center of Paraná (CIATox/PR). This is a retrospective study in which sociodemographic and clinical variables related to intoxication, form of exposure, cause and outcome were evaluated. For the statistical analysis, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Shapiro-Wilk, Chi-Square and Fisher’s Exact Test were used, considering p<0.05. The sample consisted of 426 cases, 218 (51.2%) of which were women. The main agent was clandestine rodenticide in 278 (65.2%) patients. The main circumstance of intoxication was a suicide attempt with 293 (68.8%) cases. There was a predominance of oral exposure (89.9%) and urban areas in 349 (81.9%) cases, most considered mild (52.6%) and assisted in medical services (66.4%). About 327 (76.8%) individuals had clinical manifestations. The time elapsed between exposure and contact with CIATox/PR was longer in cases considered severe (p=0.041). Atropine was used in 94 (49%) patients intoxicated by carbamates, in 31 (33.3%) by organophosphates and in 84 (59.6%) by other unspecified cholinesterase inhibitors. Two women and one teenager had a fatal outcome, having in common the intentional ingestion of “chumbinho”. The predominant casuistry in this historical series was a female patient, adult age, living in the metropolitan region, exposed to pesticides orally, symptomatic, classified as mild severity, without the need for atropine, however, there were three cases with an outcome of death.
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