Analysis of anthropometric indicators in individuals with and without Down syndrome
Down syndrome, Body composition, Functional lateralityAbstract
Objective: this study sought to investigate the possible discrepancy in the bilateral anthropometric indicators of people with and without Down syndrome (DS).
Material and Method: 60 individuals with and without Down syndrome, aged between 11 and 14 years, who were evaluated for lateral dominance, skinfolds, fat percentage, arm and forearm muscle circumference, and hand grip strength.
Main results: there were a greater number of sinister individuals with a vagueness in laterality in the group with Down syndrome than in people with typical development. The percentage of fat, skinfold measurements, arm muscle circumference and forearm circumference were higher among participants with Down syndrome than those in the control group. Hand grip strength was greater in typical individuals. There was no difference in the bilateral body composition of individuals with Down syndrome.
Conclusion: the results found demonstrated the existence of a bilateral symmetry in individuals with and without Down syndrome.
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