First record of the Spotted Rail Pardirallus maculatus (Aves: Rallidae) for the municipality of Bertioga, São Paulo
Atlantic Forest, Ornithological records, ConservationAbstract
The Spotted Rail Pardirallus maculatus has a wide and disjunct distribution in Central and South America, occurring in all regions of Brazil. In the state of São Paulo, southeast of the country, records are scarce, and are scattered between the interior and the coast. Thus, we present here the first documented record of this species for the municipality of Bertioga, on the coast of São Paulo. An adult bird was found on October 9, 2020, in an urban area, being rescued and released on the same day in a natural area at Sesc Bertioga. This bird appeared after a strong storm, and its occurrence may be related to this, or it could be making some regional movement, a behavior already observed in other rails. Due to the low number of records of this species for the São Paulo coast, this report can help to better understand its occurrence in this region of the state of São Paulo, contributing to its conservation.
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