Take More Care Program: impact on cancer prevention and tracking in Paraná
Cancer, Screening, Prevention.Abstract
The increased incidence of cancer in the Brazilian population urges the need of implementing screening measures based on the active search for new cases. In this sense, the present work presents the results of the Take More Care disease-screening program. With a mobile unit, analyzes of the skin surface, Pap smear collection in women aged 25 to 69 years, mammography in women aged 40 to 69 years and specific prostatic antigen (SPA) in men aged 45 to 69 were performed in 22 municipalities of Paraná state. 4679 workers from Paraná were attended in 202 companies, 4120 orientation lectures and 1346 prevention workshops were given. Suspected skin lesions for skin cancer corresponded to 3.4% from 3054 skin assessment tests. 873 mammograms were performed, and 11 cases of suspected lesions were referred to the Pap smear, from 2073 collections. The SPA was altered in 8 men, in a total of 1308 tests performed. The installation of the mobile unit inside the company breaks two barriers preventing workers from carrying out their preventive exams: the sociocultural and the institutional. Thus, cancer screening programs and actions can contribute to the early diagnosis of this pathology, especially in the population of economically productive age.Downloads
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