Quality analysis of bee honey commercialized with and without inspection in Brasília, DF, Brazil
Food analysis, Food quality, Food safetyAbstract
Bee honey is a product of relevant consumption by the population due to its nutritional and therapeutic factors. Tampering is an example of how honey characteristics can be affected and harming consumers who want to buy a high quality and pure product. This work aimed to evaluate the physicochemical quality of bee honey commercialized in Brasilia. Thirteen samples of bee honey were obtained: one from a certified local beekeeper (used as a negative control), six from natural products and hypermarkets in central Brasília and six from street fair and small establishments in one of the administrative region of the Federal District, of which five did not have the seal of the Federal Inspection Service (SIF) on the packaging. Also, a sample of commercial glucose syrup was used as positive control. To verify tampering, the Lund, Fiehe and Lugol tests were adopted, as well as the pH, titratable acidity and humidity analysis, to be compared honey quality parameters established by the current legislation. The analyzes verified the quality of the honeys sold with SIF seal, with some restraints for the possible temperature changes. As for those that did not have a seal, only one passed the quality tests, but its sale is not regularized. Most of the samples analyzed showed results consistent with the standards requirements of the current legislation, with greater irregularities in the marketing of honey in street fair, showing the need for greater quality control and inspection of non-certified products.Downloads
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