Palliative care: knowledge of nursing team
Palliative care, Nursing care, Nursing educationAbstract
Palliative care are all actions of health care to patients without therapeutic possibilities of cure. This study aimed to identify the characteristics and knowledge of nursing in palliative care in two hospitals in Joinville / SC. This is an exploratory descriptive study with a quantitive approach that was carried out with 99 nursing professionals. Data were collected through a questionnaire with closed questions. The investigated variables considered the socioeconomic characteristics and knowledge of the nursing team about palliative care. The age of the professionals ranged from 20 to 60 years. Most were female, married and Catholic. The duration of the professionals in the public institution ranged from six to 10 years and in the private sector less than five years. More than half of the professionals were not trained in palliative care. Overall results showed that professionals obtained a 57% success rate on palliative care questions. The questions that obtained the most hits were related to the control of pain and symptoms, and aspects related to the philosophy and principles of palliative care. The professionals investigated have a satisfactory level of knowledge about palliative care. This level of knowledge may be related to the low qualification of the professionals for this care, or even, the turnover among the professionals. The qualification could increase the quality of care provided to patients in palliative care.
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