Health risk behaviors: an analysis with students of the public school system
Physical fitness, Young, SchoolAbstract
Physical fitness contributes to the development of daily activities where, the practice of physical exercise has significant importance in incorporating a healthy lifestyle. In this context, the present study aimed to analyze anthropometric measures and physical fitness of young students of public schools, in order to verify risk behaviors among them. The methodological procedure of the study was descriptive comparative; Body mass, stature, and health-related physical fitness tests were performed for 231 students, who were divided by sex and age group for analysis. It was observed that the averages, for the most part, are within what was expected to be "desirable" for each age group, but the maximum and minimum levels of the variables were highlighted, indicating possible exposures to health-related risk behaviors. It was verified that the boys had greater physical fitness regarding the tests of local muscular strength and cardiorespiratory resistance, and the adolescents of 14 to 17 years obtained better results in the test of local muscle strength. Thus, it is important to build proposals for pedagogical interventions focused on teaching through research, promoting discussion and reflection on the life habits of young people.
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