Characterization of the physiotherapeutic profile of patients treated before and after urogynecological conditions: retrospective analysis
Physiotherapy, Hospital, Urology, Gynecology.Abstract
Objective: To identify the profile of patients, techniques and physiotherapeutic resources applied in the pre and postoperative period of urogynecology in a university hospital. Material and Method: Cross-sectional and retrospective study by medical chart analysis of patients treated by urogynecologic physiotherapy under hospital admission, in a university hospital. The sample consisted of 227 patients (54.7 ± 16.5 years, 57.3% female, 53% resident in Londrina). Data on patient identification, gender, age, origin, medical and functional kinetic diagnosis, surgical procedure, type of anesthesia, surgical access route, length of hospital stay, postoperative complications, physical therapy sessions, techniques and resources were collected. physiotherapy, guidelines and referral after discharge. Statistical analysis was descriptive through frequency distribution and proportion. Results: The most prevalent medical diagnosis was uterine myoma (17.8%), with a double J catheter placement (17.6%); videolaparoscopy (49%), spinal anesthesia (57%), the most reported procedures. Regarding physiotherapy, 59% of the patients received physiotherapeutic care once a day (95.6%), an average of 5.4 physiotherapy / hospitalization sessions. About 84.5% of the patients had no complications. The main respiratory and motor techniques were re-education (90.0%) and reexpansive (93.3%), circulatory exercises (97%) and kinesiotherapy (96%) respectively, without the use of material resources in the therapy (57.4%). Conclusion: This research evidenced relevant data that could help the professional physiotherapist, the faculty and students of the physiotherapy course that work in the HU / UEL, in the development of improvements in this area, contributing to adjustments and improvement in the registry in medical records and in the physiotherapeutic treatment of these patients.Downloads
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