The immediate effects of auricular therapy in hypertensive individuals at an emergency medical unit
Acupuncture, Hypertension, Medicine Chinese Traditional, BloodlettingAbstract
Systemic arterial hypertension (SAH) is characterized by continuously elevated blood pressure (BP) levels. It is a multifactorial disease, difficultto be diagnosed and presents high mortality rates. One method with a rapid hypotensive effect is an auricular bloodletting therapy from Traditional Chinese Medicine. The aim of this study was to analyze the immediate effects of auricular therapy in hypertensive individuals at an Emergency Medical Unit in the city of Cascavel-PR. To do so, the BP was verifiedbefore the procedure (initial BP), and if it was within the required criteria, the bloodletting technique was performed at the Erjian auricular point. Ten minutes later, BP was measured (end BP). A significantdecrease in the results for initial systolic BP (SBP) (157,27 ± 14,49) compared to end SBP (142,97 ± 14,01), as well as for initial diastolic BP (DBP) (99,83 ±BP11,26) compared to end DBP (90,66 ± 8,82) has been shown. Therefore, it is concluded that the bleeding of ear apex has been able to cut down significantlythe BP of the examined individuals. Nevertheless, in order to prove the real benefitsof acupuncture on SAH further studies in this respect are necessary.Downloads
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