Children and adolescents hospitalized due to suicide attempt by chemical agents: a cross-sectional study
Suicide attempted, Mental health, Poisoning, Poison Control centers.Abstract
The study aimed to describe the hospitalizations for suicide attempts by chemical agents in children and adolescents hospitalized in a school hospital from January 2011 to December 2015. Descriptive, cross-sectional research with retrospective analysis of toxicological records, filed in a toxicological assistance center in northwestern Paraná. It was selected 27 admissions. The majority of hospitalizations were female, aged between 16 and 19 (70.4%), the main tactics used were medicines (51.9%) and products for veterinary use (14.8%), and residence was the place of major occurrences.. Family conflicts, previous suicide attempt and mental disorder were related to the suicide attempts studied. The average hospitalization was 6.2 days, 15 were hospitalized in an intensive care unit, and two girls died. These data point to specific characteristics and the remarkable occupancy of hospital beds by this group.
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