Approaches and historical contributions of Great Britain to Information Science: a look from the Classification Research Group


  • Sarah Miglioli Instituto Nacional de Educação de Surdos - INES/MEC
  • Déborah Araujo



Information Science, Knowledge Organization, Classification History, Classification Research Group, Utopia


Introduction: The utopian perspectives reflected in Literature during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century are fertile environment for the emergence of the relevance of Britain's history to the area of Classification. It traces a historical overview of Information Science in Britain, describing the relevance and pioneering nature of the Classification Research Group and its members. Objectives: It aims to address scientific awakening under the influence of literary utopias, which culminated in the development of classification methods for Knowledge Organization, through Britain's approaches and contributions under the light of the trajectory of the Classification Research Group. Methodology: The methodology of the descriptive research includes documentary survey and literature review on the subject, under the influence of the backbone of the commemorative work edited by Gilchrist (2009). Results: It was identified the historical influence of the period of utopias in the perspective of work in the Information Science of the researchers of the Classification Research Group. Conclusion: Concludes with the recognition of Britain's role and the pioneering spirit of the Classification Research Group, essentially the pioneering work of facet analysis for information retrieval, established as key to building a full spectrum of information search tools until today, and the foundation of the first postgraduate course in Information Science.


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Author Biographies

Sarah Miglioli, Instituto Nacional de Educação de Surdos - INES/MEC

Doutora em Ciência da Informação (PPGCI - IBICT/UFRJ).

Déborah Araujo

Mestre em Ciência da Informação (PPGCI - IBICT/UFRJ).


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How to Cite

Miglioli, S., & Araujo, D. (2019). Approaches and historical contributions of Great Britain to Information Science: a look from the Classification Research Group. Informação & Informação, 24(3), 365–386.


