The scientific communication information regime: an approach
Scientific communication, Scientific divulgation, Digital social networks, Literature reviewAbstract
Objectives: Its general objective is to identify the literature that addresses information actions developed in cyberspace through social networks of periodicals for communication and dissemination of scientific knowledge to society. The specific objectives are: to map scientific journals in the Information Science area that have social networks; describe the information regime of scientific journals and their respective social networks; identify information policies aimed at the use of social networks as a marketing tool for periodicals.
Methodology: The research is exploratory, descriptive, and qualitative in nature, using documentary research techniques, organizing the results from categories to achieve the outlined objectives.
Expected results: It is expected to provide a contribution to the enrichment of thematic studies in Information Science, as well as the understanding of how the process of communication and scientific dissemination is using this new communication channel, in the technical, social and economic dimensions. This process may reveal possibilities, limitations and future applications of digital social networks for scientific journals, not only in the context of Information Science but also in other areas of scientific knowledge.
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