Memory, heritage and dissonance: conceptual and epistemological tools for a change of paradigms




Dissonant Heritage, Monuments, Heritage Policies, Epistemology, Democratization of Culture


Objectives: To analyze the interactions between the concept of heritage as an object of historical construction and its effects in the context of current social practices. To observe the relationship between Culture, National Identity and Heritage. To discuss the concept of Dissonant Heritage through a case study, the Monument to Ferdinand I Grand Duke of Tuscany, known as The Four Moors.
Methodology: This is a qualitative study of a theoretical nature, therefore bibliographical, which seeks, in an essayistic way, to launch hand of epistemological questions.
Results: The proposal to use the concept of dissonant heritage plays a role of critique of the violence of modernity, and may focus on the elaboration of a cultural memory that confronts the different ethnic, class and gender hierarchization.
Final considerations: The elaboration and application of the concept of dissonant heritage allows heritage to perform the function: of reorganizing memories in a comprehensive way and no longer tied to the idea of unifying national identities cultures.


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Author Biography

Giulia Crippa, Università di Bologna

Associate Professor at the Dipartimento di Beni Culturali. Free Lecturer in Information Science.


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How to Cite

Crippa, G. (2021). Memory, heritage and dissonance: conceptual and epistemological tools for a change of paradigms. Informação & Informação, 26(4), 24–47.



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