The library of the future: a look towards the present
Technological Innovations, Libraries, Participatory Library, Library Trends, Literature ReviewAbstract
Introduction: the technological innovations arising in the context of libraries are directly linked to their capacity for evolution and adaptation. Discovering and studying which of these new technologies can best be utilized in libraries can be the difference between evolving or suffering. Objective: To map the recent trends found in the scientific literature on the changes that are occurring in libraries. Methodology: a literature review was carried out to determine the main tendencies found in the recent scientific literature, starting in the 2000s, on the innovations and changes that have occurred in libraries. Results: there were some important aspects regarding the libraries of the future: the participatory library, radical trust, the evolution of the web, makerspaces, digital interactive books, social networks and a change in the profile of the professional working in the library. Conclusions: the future of libraries is still uncertain, but it points in some directions, and it is definitely digital, with universal access, but not free, inclusive, social, alive and in constant evolution, a much faster and more dynamic evolution than that observed in the 20th century.Downloads
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